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Last updated : 30 March 2020


Website produced by Château Camparnaud

All rights reserved: Château Camparnaud © 2020

Photo credits: Chateau Camparnaud is the property of Château Camparnaud

Route d'Entrecasteaux (D31)

83570 Carcès, Provence


+33 6 89 47 74 34


For information concerning the functioning and use of the website please contact us.



Our server is not designed nor configured to collect personal data on visitors to the website, apart from the following data: source of connections (access provider, source URL), IP address, type and version of browser used, key words used in the search engine to find the:, website, operating system. In no event do we collect the email address from visitors without them having deliberately communicated it to us. The data collected will in no event be sold to a third party.



You use the website under your full and sole responsibility. Château Camparnaud may not be held responsible for direct or indirect damages, such as material loss, loss of data or programme or financial loss resulting from the use of this website or websites linked to it. We draw your attention to the fact that some products or services presented on the website may be subject to specific legislation or restrictions and/or prohibitions in certain countries. Château Camparnaud offers you the possibility, on the website to send emails transiting by servers under its management responsibility. Château Camparnaud may not be held responsible for messages of which the company is not the author and over which it exercises no control.



Creating a hypertext link to the website requires prior written authorisation from Château Camparnaud in any event, Château Camparnaud is in no way responsible for the content, products and services proposed on websites to which the website has hypertext links or any either type of link.



All the elements of the website (texts, logos, images, photos, software, icons, layout, tree structure, formatting, database, etc.) are protected by national and international law with regard to intellectual property. As such, their representation, reproduction, integration, circulation and distribution, whether partial or total, are forbidden, in accordance with the provisions of Article L. 122-4 of the French Intellectual Property Code. Any person so doing without possessing prior authorisation from the holder(s) of such rights is liable to punishment for infringement according to Articles L. 335-2 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code. The brands and logos displayed on this website are the respective property of the companies that exploit them and may not be used without the prior written agreement of said brands and logos.



We consider that your personal data, i.e. your name, postal address, telephone number, email address and any other information communicated on our website or generated by your visit constitute confidential data. In accordance with legal obligations we save this information securely and for a limited length of time corresponding to the purpose for which you gave it to us.



Any information, in particular a copy of personal data collected or generated prior to, during or following current processing, may be communicated to persons exercising their rights of access. You may exercise your rights of access and correction according to the provisions of French law 78-17 of 6 January 1978 pertaining to Information Technology and civil liberties by sending your request directly by post to: Château Camparnaud — Route d'Entrecasteaux (D31) 83570 Carcès, Provence, France — Tel : +33 6 89 47 74 34

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